International Transportation to Germany, Netherlands & Belgium

Exports 09120290677


These countries have important cities and ports which are known as trade and transit centers in Europe. Iran also has important trade exchanges with these countries in many fields. Road, sea and air transportation are the main ways of communication between the two coufntries.



Germany is one of the important countries in international transportation, which is known as a powerful trade and transit center in Europe because it has an advanced transportation infrastructure and strategic location.


Important cities of Germany:

Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Cologne, Dusseldorf.

Berlin is the capital of Germany and one of the largest and most populous cities in Europe. Berlin has Tegel International Airport and important river ports such as Reichstag Port and Hamburg Port.

Hamburg is one of Europe’s largest and busiest seaports. Hamburg is an international shipping hub. This city also has Hamburg International Airport.

Bremen Port is located in the north of Germany on the border of the Weser River. This port is very important and is used for international transportation from the Weser River.

Goods are exported to Germany by sea, road and air from Iran.

In road transportation, there is a strong road network in Iran and Germany, which makes the transporting heavy loads possible. Major transport routes such as the European road (E30) and highways are among the main transport axes.

In sea transportation, goods are transported by containers from southern ports of Iran to German ports.


Besides road and sea transportation, air transportation is also very important. Important international airports such as Imam Khomeini International Airport in Tehran and Mannich, Frankfurt and Munich International Airports in Germany are known as the main destinations for air transportation between the two countries.


The Netherlands

The netherlands is one of the small but very important countries in Europe with strategic ports and important cities for trade.

Amsterdam: The capital of the Netherlands and one of the biggest cities in Europe, with Amsterdam Schiphol International Airport and the Port of Amsterdam, which is one of the largest ports in Europe.

Rotterdam: This is an industrial and port city located in the south of the Netherlands. The ports of Rotterdam are among the largest and busiest ports in the world.

The Hague: This is a large city and the official capital of the Netherlands, located near the west coast. Hague has Rotterdam the Hague International Airport.

The Netherlands is one of Iran’s main trading partners in Europe, and the two countries have important trade exchanges in many fields such as oil, chemical, agriculture, etc.


Goods are transported from all over Iran to the Netherlands by road through countries such as Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary.


Sea transportation from Iran to the Netherlands is used as a main trade route between the two countries. Through the southern ports of Iran, goods are transported in the form of containers to many ports in the Netherlands.





Belgium, a country located in Western Europe, is known as one of the important international shipping destinations. Belgium is in the center of Europe and gives easy access to European markets. According to its location, advanced transportation network and important ports, this country has become one of the most important commercial centers.

1. Brussels: It is the capital of Belgium and the political and economic center of the country. It plays an important role for international transportation. Brussels International Airport is also located in this city.

2. Antwerp: It is one of the largest ports in Europe and the North Sea. Antwerp’s easy access to the North Sea and the city’s network of canals has made it one of the most productive ports in Europe.

3. Zeebrugge: It is a port in the north of Belgium and is a part of the western ports of Belgium. Zeebrugge gives access to the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean and is important for sea transportation.

4. Ghent is a port in the West Flanders region of Belgium. This port has easy access to European markets and the North Sea.

For road and sea transportation from Iran to Belgium, there are different ways to transfer goods. For road transport, the main route from Iran to Belgium passes through the transit of Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Germany. These routes are connected to Belgium by the European road network.

For container shipping, they can travel from the southern ports of Iran, such as Bushehr and Bandar Abbas, to the ports of Antwerp and Zeebrugge in Belgium. These routes enable the export and import of many goods and are important for international trade between Iran and Belgium.

Barman Tarabar International Transport Company is able to provide sea and air road services from Iran to Belgium.

Contact us for more information and free consultation.

Contact number: 09120290677

