[cmsmasters_row data_width=”boxed” data_padding_left=”3″ data_padding_right=”3″ data_top_style=”default” data_bot_style=”default” data_color=”default” data_bg_position=”top center” data_bg_repeat=”no-repeat” data_bg_attachment=”scroll” data_bg_size=”cover” data_bg_parallax_ratio=”0.5″ data_padding_top=”0″ data_padding_bottom=”50″][cmsmasters_column data_width=”1/1″][cmsmasters_heading type=”h2″ font_family=”Roboto+Condensed:400,400italic,700,700italic” font_weight=”900″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” color=”#636363″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”7″ animation_delay=”0″]Services[/cmsmasters_heading][cmsmasters_heading type=”h1″ font_family=”Roboto+Condensed:400,400italic,700,700italic” font_weight=”900″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”10″ animation_delay=”0″]Rail Freight Service by Barman[/cmsmasters_heading][cmsmasters_divider width=”long” height=”1″ style=”solid” position=”center” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”10″ animation_delay=”0″][/cmsmasters_column][/cmsmasters_row][cmsmasters_row data_width=”boxed” data_padding_left=”3″ data_padding_right=”3″ data_top_style=”default” data_bot_style=”default” data_color=”default” data_bg_position=”top center” data_bg_repeat=”no-repeat” data_bg_attachment=”scroll” data_bg_size=”cover” data_bg_parallax_ratio=”0.5″ data_padding_top=”0″ data_padding_bottom=”50″][cmsmasters_column data_width=”1/2″][cmsmasters_gallery layout=”slider” image_size_slider=”full” slider_effect=”slide” slider_autoplay=”true” slider_pause_on_hover=”true” slider_rewind=”true” slider_nav_control=”true” animation_delay=”0″]7938|https://barmantarabar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/coverd-wagon1-150×150.jpg,7939|https://barmantarabar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/DSC_0128-150×150.jpg,7940|https://barmantarabar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/flatrack-wagon-150×150.jpg[/cmsmasters_gallery][/cmsmasters_column][cmsmasters_column data_width=”1/2″][cmsmasters_text animation_delay=”0″]
Paying rail freights and offering rail service through whole railway network of Iran, CIS (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan), Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Syria, Russia and also eastern and western European railway network.
[/cmsmasters_text][/cmsmasters_column][/cmsmasters_row][cmsmasters_row data_width=”boxed” data_padding_left=”3″ data_padding_right=”3″ data_top_style=”default” data_bot_style=”default” data_color=”default” data_bg_position=”top center” data_bg_repeat=”no-repeat” data_bg_attachment=”scroll” data_bg_size=”cover” data_bg_parallax_ratio=”0.5″ data_padding_top=”0″ data_padding_bottom=”50″][cmsmasters_column data_width=”1/1″][cmsmasters_toggles mode=”accordion” animation_delay=”0″][cmsmasters_toggle title=”IMPORT”]
Regarding to importing considerable volume of goods and raw materials by rail to Iran, our group is completely ready to offer best service for importing goods by rail.
Main imported goods by rail to Iran are as follow:
- Iron, steel foil and iron rod
- Aluminum sheet, brass, copper, other metals and alloys
- Raw chemical materials (polypropylene, granules and …
- Cotton and its fiber
- Industrial machineries
- Foodstuffs like rice, wheat, barley, corn and corn meal
- Sulphur and similar products
[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”EXPORT”]Iran is a suitable resource of supplying and producing exporting goods for countries such as Afghanistan and CIS since we are close to them. Rail export to CIS countries and Afghanistan is a better choice since rail rates are more economic than road rates and you can move higher volumes with lower rates.[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”ORIGIN OF IMPORTING GOODS BY RAIL”]
- CIS (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan & Kyrgyzstan), Russia & Ukraine via Sarakhs border
- Turkey via Razi border and other European countries which have common railway with Turkey
- Pakistan via Mirjave border
- Azerbaijan border, Astana, (Multimodal: Rail+Truck)
[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”SERVICES”]
- Doing custom formalities at entrance customs house
- Getting transportation permission from Railway Organization of Islamic republic of Iran
- Getting transportation permission from Iran Customs House
- Wagon tracing formalities
- Rail freight services
- Goods import
- Goods unloading
- Unloading and delivery up to warehouse; free warehousing for first 30 days
- Unloading in warehouse, stacking and stuffing of the goods
- Stuffing goods into containers from warehouse
- Goods distribution or Delivery at final destination
[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”MAIN GOODS EXPORTING FROM IRAN BY RAIL”]
- Bitumen and Asphalt
- Foodstuffs
- Constructional materials
[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”MAIN DESTINATIONS IN RAIL TRANSPORTATION”]
- CIS (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan), Mongolia (Ulan Bator) and Russia via Sarakhs border
- Afghanistan: via Sarakhs border to Torghundi rail stations and Heiratan (Galabeh)
- Turkey: via Razi border
- Pakistan: via Mirjave border
[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”EXPORT SERVICES”]
- Wagon reservation
- Supplying subsidiary wagon
- Loading / Stuffing goods in wagon
- Doing custom formalities at origin
- Insuring Goods
- Paying freight and other charges to Iran railway Organization
- Doing export formalities at border
- Axle change and sealing wagons
- Receiving certificates like quarantine, certificate of origin, veterinary Certificate, etc.
- Presenting rail code and sending wagon to final station as an Expeditor
- Wagon tracing
[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”RAIL TRANSIT ROUTES”]
- From/to CIS to Bandar Abbas – From Bandar Abbas to all points in the world by containers and vessels
- From/to CIS to Amir Abad port, Caspian Sea by vessel or to B. Abbas and from there to other ports & borders in Iran and then to the other countries by rail
- From Turkey to Europe or vice versa
- From Turkey to CIS and Afghanistan
- From/to Pakistan via Iran to CIS, Turkey or other countries
[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”TRANSITED GOODS VIA IRAN”]
- From CIS: Cotton, Fertilizer, Sulphur, Gas oil, LPG, petroleum, wheat and barley
- From Bandar Abbas to CIS: All goods
[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”SERVICES FOR EXPORT TRANSIT BY RAIL VIA IRAN”]
- Wagon booking
- Loading and stuffing covered wagons for break bulk shipments or loading the containers on flat wagons
- Doing transit formalities for export at customs house of origins
- Paying transportation freights
- Doing custom formalities at border customs house
- Wagons tracing
- Presenting rail code and sending wagon to final station
[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”RAIL FREIGHT WAREHOUSING”]
The reason for warehousing goods transported by rail in B. Abbas, which is inevitable, is one of the following:
- Storing goods in B. Abbas until sailing date (by presenting warehouse slip)
- Storing goods in order to reach a standard volume to be able to book a bulk carrier
[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”LOADING AND UNLOADING SERVICES”]
Our rail and warehousing service is as follow:
- Unloading from wagon into truck or taking to warehouse directly by ramp
- Trucking up to storage area or warehouses
- Unloading in warehouse
- Stacking in warehouse
- Warehousing and protecting goods with safety devices
- Waiting to receive loading order
- Booking container
- Taking container from container terminal to warehouse
- Container stuffing
- Taking container to CY
- 30 days Free warehousing services
[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING RAILWAY”]
For landlocked countries, we can use multimodal transportation including rail, to connect these places to all parts of the world.
- All CIS countries, Afghanistan via Bandar Abbas port (Southern Ports)
- All CIS countries, Afghanistan via Amir Abad port (Northern Ports)
- Multimodal Transportation Including Rail and Truck (For places without Railway Station, we can combine Land and Rail transportation making it even more cost-effective.)
[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”EQUIPMENT ANDFACILITIES”]Due to our cooperation with Russian companies and the contract we have with Iran Railway Organization we are able to lease wagons or use Russian wagons for our rail services. We can take Iranian wagons up to all Iran’s borders too.[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”TRACING”]Beside other services, we have daily tracing of the loaded or empty wagons from origin to destination on all routes in Iran, CIS and Russia.[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”RAIL INSURANCE”]Rail cargoes need to be insured from origin up to destination. This insurance (which includes clause A, B and C) is usually done by the owner of the goods. Otherwise, by considering the value of the cargo and other details, we can insure the cargo.[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”SERVICE FOR IMPORT TRANSIT BY RAIL VIA IRAN”]
- Getting permission for foreign wagons to enter and pass Iran
- Doing custom formalities at customs house of origin
- Paying wagon freights and sending wagon to the customs house of destination
- Wagon tracing
- Sending wagons status report
- Unloading goods from wagon in destination customs house (if requested) and taking to warehouse or unloading goods and direct stuffing into containers
- Warehousing service in covered warehouse and open area ones for storing goods such as metals and metal billet, sheet and rolls
- Warehousing and unloading cotton by special lift trucks
- Warehousing and unloading goods such as chemical fertilizer, sulfur and other goods packed in bags, jumbo bags, pallet, etc.
- Taking goods from warehouse to CY for consigning it at required port
[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”OTHER SERVICES”]
- Inspection and insuring goods
- Custom clearance at entrance borders and in other customs houses on way
- Wagon tracing in all routes
- Paying costs of Axle exchange and issuing bill of lading
- SMGS B/L completion: Presenting Rail code for different wagons: covered wagons, flat wagon, platform, cistern wagon, low bed and other types of wagon.
- Quarantine service
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