Transit Time
The time it takes for the goods to reach from the origin to destination, is called transit time.
The method of transportation can be sea, air, rail, road, or multimodal services.
For example, the transit time by air is less than others.
in sequency air, road, rail and sea transportation have the lowest transit time.
Other conditions effect in determining the choice of transportation method. Like the rate can also be decisive in this matter.
For example, there are two ways to transport cargo from Tehran to Shanghai.
Number 1:
Air transportation from Tehran to Shanghai.
Number 2:
Road transportation from Tehran to Bandar Abbas, sea transportation from Bandar Abbas to Shanghai via UAE.
The first one is recommended for the goods with low volume. For example, transportation for goods with high volume (about 2 tons), in air transportation method, the price is higher and the transit time is lower, approximately 1 day.
In case of sea transportation method has a lower price and a higher transit time, approximately 30 days. Therefore, according to the existing conditions and the routes, also details of the goods, the choice of transportation method will be different.
Barman Tarabar international transport company with more than 3000 containers, 600 wagons and 100 trolleys, official offices in Turkey, UAE, Kazakhstan and Toronto has been able to provide international transportation via sea, air, rail and road.
Just please keep in touch with mobile phone number: 00989127383349 and email address: ,for more information and free consultation.